Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How to Improve Your Study Skills

Strong study skills are essential to succeed in school and in life.  It isn't enough to just sit inside a classroom and hope to soak up the knowledge an instructor is presenting.  You must put effort in to learning, understanding, and applying the material.  The earlier you can develop these skills, the greater your chance of academic success.

There is no magic bullet when it comes to developing good study habits.  Not everyone learns the same way.  So, not everyone will study the same way.  Some people need absolute silence to review textbooks, lecture notes, and handouts to prepare for an exam.  Others study better in a group bouncing ideas off one another.  The study skills you develop will be based heavily on your learning style.

What's your learning style?
Studying does not have to be a difficult process. The biggest mistake people make is developing a study plan that is different from the way they learn best.  Not only are they trying to learn new information, but they are trying to adapt to a new way to learn that information too!  Ask your self a simple question:  Are you a visual (see), auditory (hear), or kinesthetic(hands-on) learner?

What if you aren't sure what category of learning you fall into?
 Well, think back to all those classes you have taken throughout your academic career.  There were forms of learning that came much easier to you than other forms.  There's your learning style.  Develop study skills that are tailored to your unique style of learning to achieve more productive results.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Scared of the dentist? Try these calming tricks.

Minimize the surprise....
Have your dentist explain exactly what she plans to do ahead of time

Develop a signal.....
Create a nonverbal gesture like raising your hand.  You can alert the dentist if you feel pain.

Weigh your options.....
If you are needle phobic, ask about nitrous or sedation.  We can use a pill sedation so you will sleep through the procedure and not remember anything.

Distract yourself.....
Feel free to bring an MP3 player to listen to with ear buds while you have your treatment done.  We also have TVs in all the operatories.

We really try to make your visit as comfortable as possible.  Let us know any of your fears or concerns so we can make your experience great!